Sunday 14 August 2011

Dried up old prune looks at society with rose coloured glasses

Some irrelevant uptight fuddy duddy, June Dally-Watkins has ranted today about how much she hates Germaine Greer, the feminist movement and describes short-shorts as if they were designed by Satan. The fact that she is in the process of writing a new book probably has nothing to do with this shameless attention grab. She tells The Sunday Telegraph, "I am concerned the human race is slipping back to the heathen era and it disappoints me".

Apparently she is distressed that, "people would rather send a simple email than handwrite a letter of appreciation". Lady, it is 2011 not 1901. Not everyone grew up in a time when people wrote with quills and used their blood to seal envelopes.

But her attacks on contemporary society don't end there. Here's a gold quote delivered by Ms. Watkins, "Men and women were once courteous to each other, and then along came Germaine Greer, who said women should be more like men". What a horribly short-sighted and simple explanation to the mechanics of modernity. She probably also thinks that women should aspire to marry well and that children should be seen and not heard.

However perhaps the most controversial statement she gives is on the way women dress:
"There is nothing more inappropriate than shorts ... especially short shorts. Some ways of dressing ... give the impression of 'I'm yours, take me'."
Oh dear. Let's build a time machine so this bitch can return back to her perceived "golden era"...and then we'll see what happens when she realises that she can no longer own her own business, vote in any elections, reserve the right to a career, be allowed to engage in the public arena...

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