Thursday 4 August 2011

The Renovators has potential

I watched The Renovators tonight for the first time. I kinda liked it. It's basically Masterchef meets The Block. I knew had to watch it after seeing this episode's promo made me laugh:

  • VOICE OVER: "Tonight, they pay the price in the first stress test".
  • JOANNE: "I'm already stressed walking into this challenge".
Randomly, the show's theme song is Party Rock Anthem.

I love how pointless the judges are. In the first part of the test, the contestants had to work out the price of a house. The judges criticized one team for not utilising their mobile phone until the last few minutes. On the other hand, poor Joanne and her partner were so resourceful and used it the whole way througbh.

In the end, the team who barely used their phone won. Go figure.

But I enjoyed it. Enjoyed it more than MasterChef's penultimate episode. I haven't watched that show in ages! Two bogans in the finale? Argh.

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