Thursday 25 August 2011

The Proposal: What a Piece of Shit Movie - A Review

I had the misfortune of watching what I thought would be a good movie but instead turned out to be horrible -- The Proposal.

First, there is the lame ass plot of an uptight bitch blackmailing her assistant into marrying her to avoid deportation! When they tell her she has to return to Canada, she acts like she's being shipped off to Siberia, never to return again. Are there no publishing houses in Toronto? What a dumbass she is. Poor Sandra Bullock, I can't believe she agreed to star in this shit. She's even forced to show some skin in a post-shower scene!

Sandra did not win an Oscar for The Proposal, obviously
Then there's Ryan Reynolds. I fucking hate that guy. Again, he's the goofy asshole character he always is. He's getting a bit long in the tooth for it...

Finally, let's get to Betty White. What the hell. This woman has swindled Hollywood for many years by hawking the same "Shock! A granny is being zany and outrageous" routine over and over again. I don't get it, it's been almost 30 years since The Golden Girls. When will she stop flogging that dead horse? It's basically the only role she plays -- The Golden Girls, Ugly Betty, The Proposal, Hot in Cleveland. It's definitely not funny here. She shares an embarassing, cringeworthy rapping scene with Sandra out in the bush. It was horrendous.

In fact the only thing funny to come out of this heinous movie is the below video, featured on Funny or Die. Yes, I know Betty and Ryan do their same acts again, but at least it works and the video is under ten minutes long:

In conclusion, THE PROPOSAL is one of the worst romantic comedies of the past decade. It's an old fashioned 90s style comedy that is so stupid and so cheesy I fell asleep and had to split viewing over two days. If you don't agree with this review, you can kiss my ass. The movie sucked.

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