Saturday 27 August 2011

Gross...Seven to spin-off Loser series?

Would you like to see that bogan family off Winners and Losers star in a brand new show of their own? Channel Seven seem to think so, and are apparently writing a potential spin-off surrounding The Gross Family. I can totally picture them using that title, too. Some exec is probably like, "he he, that's funny cause their last name is gross and they're also gross bogans!"

Winners and Losers started out okay but after about three episodes in, it turned into a cliched mess and has this weird reflection of Australian life that's stuck in the 1980s. Plus there's too much of Blair McDonough for my liking. He has this really creepy, haggard new look that scares me.

I have no idea why Channel Seven seem to think that a show surrounding the Gross family would make good TV. They already have a family-based drama on air right now. It's called Packed to the Rafters.

Actually...I would totally watch a spin-off of both Packed to the Rafters and Winners and Losers if it concentrated on Ben Rafter (Hugh Sheridan) and Patrick Gross (Jack Pearson) both realising that they're gay and they fall for each other. At least that wouldn't be a stretch for Hugh (or so I've read)...

WARNING: Watch this video on mute. It's horrendously awful...

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